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Monthly Archives: January 2013

((OOC: Aww yeah, I’m signed in two skype accounts at the same time on the same computer.))

((OOC: Omfg I read #Tom_UnicefUK as “Tom Unice FUCK”





It was troubling that the thought that arose in the blond’s mind had considerably dangerous and assertive set backs if he chose to act upon it. However, his conscience and good heart overlooked his alarm, and with a grunt at his own stupidity, Magnus realised that he was going to retrieve both Samson and Felix whether he wanted to or not.
He was certain that the pets had not been fed for some days, and was concerned for their safety in the presence of his possessed fiance.

Giving himself a few moments to prepare for the teleportation and immediate danger that would surely follow, Magnus patted himself down to make sure that his phone, and additional bullets were at the ready in case he needed to use them before he shook off his anxiety with a few breaths to calm himself. Closing his eyes, Magnus pictured himself facing the couch, and almost instantaneously, he felt a wisp of wind and feeling of alleviation as he teleported into the lounge-room.

Much of the day passed without life exhibited in the house, even from the pets. Felix had managed to find some window or crevice to slip through ages ago, and Samson took to hiding. No doubt, the pets could sense a certain disturbance with Dalie. Despite nothing too obvious about his features had changed, there was still a certain negative aura that stalked him wherever he went. No doubt the presence that doubled discomfort in Dalie’s wake was that of the being who possessed him, Slenderman. It was unclear what Slenderman was, if he could be called a being or a creature of his own. He made no statement of his purpose, no reason for his stay. All one could possibly know was that he was here and his presence was one that did more than just elicit goosebumps or raise the fine hairs on the back of one’s neck. It was this that likely drove the pets away, Samson less fortunate than Felix, however, being trapped inside the house until a door was opened.

The house remained silent and still in the immediate seconds that followed the blond’s sudden appearance. It was uncertain how long Slenderman had been where he was and why, just that he was in some corner of the house, almost as though he were waiting for something to happen, but what that something was remained unclear. Slenderman didn’t expect the vessel’s relation to return to the house so soon, however there was no mark of surprise on his face. Instead, he took a step back, craning his neck a slight bit forward, eyes never leaving the mortal. “Hello deary. Have you returned for a little chit chat?” His voice projected through the room, filling the silence with a slight loudness unlike Dalie’s usual volume, yet it sound so natural coming from him nonetheless.


By the time Magnus had arrived at the couch he felt himself stiffen, prior to when the being allowed his presence to be known to him, and as that voice resounded across the intimate space around them, a shudder wracked the blond’s taut pose. The atmosphere was sinister and unnatural, and the detective felt very exposed with the possessor behind him and as such, he turned around slowly as to not provoke the thing to face it head on.

The crane of Dalie’s neck had Magnus unconsciously falter with a tuck of his chin and glance to the wall behind him in wariness, yet he did not immediately depart as soon as he should have. He had expected the being to be here regardless, and he did not doubt his judgement of his actions. Well, not yet at least.

He supposed trying to reason with the being as to why he was here was futile judging that it probably would not consider his explanation nor did Magnus have the desire to attempt to communicate with whatever thing had possessed his fiance.
He was worried about the pets, yet with a fleeting cast of his sight over the room, he could spot no other soul in the room. Perhaps they had already run from the unnatural creature that stood before him now. He hoped so anyway.

Now left the decision for Magnus to take his leave whilst the other remained subdued to his presence. Yet the high-pitched whine caught by Felix somewhere behind the makeshift bookcase beside the stack of DVDs and CDs made the detective hesitate with a snap of his gaze behind him and lurch forward a step.
He immediately regretted the action. Of course, he did not know what would provoke and entice that interest of this creature and as such, Magnus stiffened once more and straightened into his full posture with a subtle step, slow and cautious, in the direction of where the kitten’s meow sounded away from the possessed Dalie.

Slenderman was never once fooled that perhaps the mortal so intimate with his vessel might not be aware. His absence from the house and his obvious unease now was enough for the being to know better. It wasn’t so much a matter for him though. Nothing really was. He stood in silence, expecting the mortal to attempt something. The mortal seemed like the type to be wise enough in some matters, though not wise enough in others. The being had no particular interest with the mortal. He was simply another variable to Slenderman, one that he didn’t particularly see useful to tweak. Nonetheless, he remained still and waited for the variable mortal to make a move or speak perhaps as Slenderman knew for certain there was a reason for the mortal to return. His gaze twitched from the mortal in the room to where the sound was made, then back to the mortal by his sudden liveliness. A small hiss escaped his lips as the mortal began to move, almost like a warning, like the rattle of a snake’s tail. He could tell the mortal’s unease was increasing, though still he cautiously and slowly moved. Slenderman decided to test the mortal another way.

Slenderman took two steps toward the mortal from the point across the room he stood then within the same second, he was across to where the mortal was, just behind him, finishing his third step. His appearance changed to that of the featureless face, over-towering tallness, and black suit with a red tie. Despite not having a nose or mouth, a soft chilling breath trickled from his featureless face onto the neck of the mortal.

Though he was extremely close behind the mortal, with perhaps an inch or two distance between them, the slender being remained motionless and silent, giving an air about him that he was extremely sensitive to any changes in the room. His facelessness appeared to still watch the mortal carefully, while his chest and face curved above the mortal’s head, still maintaining the distance of a few inches. He spoke no words, though he was curious to see the mortal’s response to his suddenness, something that was obvious and felt despite his stealth and silence.


Little Drawings by Dilşad Aladağ

((OOC: okay off I go!! Will probably be back later.))

I trust my friend to godmod my character, and sometimes I’m AFK for the day and I need her to do it, since all she’d be doing is saying things like “Oh, they went out and did blahblahblah” but instead she acts like my character has mysteriously abandoned hers. It creates lots of IC drama. I said I was going to be gone and that it was okay to godmod! Just do it.

((OOC: weeh :C tumblr, y u no load more posts on dashboard when I’m on mobile))

It’s dark now. But they feel each others’ breath. And they know all they need to know. They kiss. And they feel each others’ tears on their cheeks. And if there had been anybody left to see them, then they would look like normal lovers, caressing each others’ faces, bodies close together, eyes closed, oblivious to the world around them. Because that is how life goes on. Like that. 

((OOC: people who reblog ask games but don’t leave answers to the one you reblogged from… I hope you don’t beg for asks later. Lol.))


Tell me in detail of who they would be to you and what you would do.
