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As Dalie expected, the mortal chose to retrieve the phone himself. He watched from the door as Magnus scanned for it and found it, pausing briefly as he did, then turning to walk back. He lifted his hand as Magnus came closer in range, awaiting the delivery of his phone.


He stood still and silent ad the mortal traced his fingers along Dalie’s open palm. There was small bit of unease he felt toward the exploration, mainly for he didn’t want to be detained from leaving faster. The longer time was spent in the mortal’s presence made the situation feel worse and harder. It seemed like even less of a clean cut off in some regard even, and Dalie disliked the idea of making this messier than it already was.

Yet he didn’t say anything. Despite his unease, there was also a conflicting comfort from the touch. There was something he never said aloud, though quite possibly was obvious. Dalie longed for the mortal’s touch, his closeness. Even now, when he was trying to remove himself from Magnus’ life, he still felt that longing and despised it for how difficult it was making things for him.

He felt as though the blood drained from his head when Magnus looked up into his eyes. He wasn’t aware he had been staring at the mortal’s own. He closed his eyes and let out a slightly flustered sigh when he spoke. Wrapping his fingers around the phone, Dalie shifted from one foot to the other, preparing to turn and step down the hall. His body started to shift in the slightest away, yet his feet refused to budge.

“Do not miss me,” Dalie said, sadness in his voice. He dropped the cell phone to his side stepped quickly toward the mortal, pulling him into a kiss. His hands shook holding Magnus’ sides and somewhere in the back of his mind, he heard a nagging voice telling him he was doing the exact opposite of what he should, though he ignored it.


As if his body acted on his own accord before the human’s mind could react, Magnus’ hands shot up to grapple the man’s collar and pulled him into the kiss, furious fistfuls of cloth bundling into his hand as he forcefully drew the immortal into the room. When a couple of paces were taken backwards which Dalie followed with the detective’s persistent tugs at his attire, Magnus lifted his leg to kick at the front door so that it slammed closed whilst keeping his mouth locked onto Dalie’s. The kiss was passionate, crippled with Magnus’ fear and Dalie’s uncertainty as the human snaked his arm around the nape of the man’s neck to his back, and clung onto him in fear that he would push him away.
‘Don’t ever fucking do that to me again.’ Magnus growled as he teared his mouth away from the other’s with a gasp, chest heaving in his depletion of any and all available oxygen as he stammered through a fit of tears.
‘I’m not ready to let you go, and I don’t ever want to!’ 

Dalie allowed himself be pulled into the room, his eyes closing as the mortal guided him. His eyebrows acted as though they tried to conjoin, creating a point above the bridge of his nose, making it appear as though he had furrowed them in sadness. He did feel a pang of sadness, though at the same time, he felt conflicting excitement. He slid one hand to rest on the small of Magnus’ back and his other hand ran up Magnus’ back to rest comfortably along one of Magnus’ shoulder blades, his cool fingers conforming easily over the curve.

He too took a gasp of breath when the mortal pulled away from their lip lock, though he pulled Magnus against his chest to close what little gap still existed between them. His eyebrows’ furrowing loosened a bit, though remained as he expressed sadness on his face.

He shook his head at Magnus’ last words and responded, his voice shaky and nearly cracked, “I am sorry. I love you. I do not want to leave.” He ran his hand from Magnus’ shoulder blade up to the back of his head, taking a fistful of his hair and a fistful of the back of Magnus’ shirt with his other hand as he proceeded to kiss Magnus several times, a little sloppily and possibly desperately. He could feel his heart begin to pound in his chest as he realized he almost lost this and what a mistake that would have been.

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